For You and for Me and for All, Let's Make the World a Better Place



As children how different were we from our present selves? Let me re-frame my question this way. How were we as children?
We loved doing what we liked. We loved being loved. We loved grabbing attention -being the crowd puller or the showstopper.

 With the passage of time, as we grow into adults, we shed our childishness and take on new avatars. Still, the child lurking inside each one of us craves love and pampering. A child who loves to listen to stories, to laugh, to cry, to open her/his minds without fear of being mocked or laughed or made judgments at. More than anything the child who craves for appreciation and attention and  recognition. This should answer my first question. We are more or less a subtler version of our childhood selves. There will be exceptions of course. But for the time being, let me ignore them.


At various stages of our growing up years we are told and taught different things. Some follow these 'life lessons' religiously, while others go by their instincts  winning labels like  rebels/ scoundrels/ brats/ troublemakers/ hopeless and what not to their names. These basic life-tutorials are doled out first by parents/ grandparents whom we consider our role models and the most learned and the knowledgeable in the world. At a later stage, some of our teachers assume that position  and guide our tastes and habits. A little later as we step into bigger shoes, we borrow ideas and principles from friends, superstars and other role models. Thus equipped with this sort of ideological helmets we step out into different worlds, meeting new people and perspectives.

At a certain age, I thought whatever I 'liked' required the ultimate love and whatever I thought was 'right' was indeed right. Well, that's what others also felt I suppose, otherwise why would we argue and try hard to get our points across to the other person whose holds different arguments?

  Little did I know about 'perspectives', points of view or mindsets that each one of us is incredibly blessed with. I realised this as an epiphany at a much later stage in my life. I could put many things in place that very moment and I regret that none of my guardians could enlighten me on this particular life lesson. The life lesson is simple. Just as you look different from your friend and s/he looks different from you, our thoughts and thought processes are different. It was that simple.

Just as our ideas of right/ wrong, justice/ injustice are important to us, so do the ideas of others to them.


 Society requires us to live and work in groups, interact and have associations with people who are different from us ( sometimes in all possible ways!) As life relocates and settles us down with others, we push ourselves into new worlds with new people and encounter differences. Differences of opinion, tastes, attitude, goals,choices et cetera.

Herein lies the implications of the above mentioned complex phenomena(ie, Differences):
Who is right or whose arguments deserve applause? Who is genuine and who is fake? How do we deal with it?
I have often asked people about it.
Here are some of the answers:

  1. Ignore it and turn a blind eye.
  2.   Voice your opinion and thoughts.
  3.  Listen to your heart and do what your heart says
  4.  Speak your mind. Have courage. Change the world
  5.   Do not take anything to heart. Let go 
  6. Why waste your energy?! It will fall only on deaf ears
  7. Do not let anyone take advantage of you. Fight for justice. 
  8.  We can't change the world. This is how the world functions. Take it easy
  9.  Speak according to circumstances, people, position and authority.

The last point is what I want to focus all my attention on. Something I learnt people do it in plenty.  Something that wins hearts. Something that I had been forced to do though my conscience stabs me hard. Something I detest at all costs.
 Differences often give birth to the brightest and the best of ideas. The sincere, honest work put together by each would make the 'best' I believe. So be patient and listen to others as well and not just your inner self.
 " It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it"( Aristotle)

Even though the child in us pushes us to sometimes ignore others in the mad run to promote ourselves, let's not be blind in our pursuits and forget to be human.

 I hope we will not just turn a blind eye to the inequalities around us and would reach out to those(by this I mean all living creatures) who need us. I hope we will be less harsh to others and to ourselves.

 Let's criticise and take criticisms. Let's work hard to bring out the best in us and also in others. Let's not forget to appreciate those who deserve it and let's not forget to hold on to our convictions no matter what the situation is or who surrounds you.Your position or money and a whole lot of other markers shouldn't blow you up with ego and grant you credits over those who truly deserve it. Your status should't let others bow down before you.

All beings in this world deserve respect and compassion.

              "The quality of strength lined with tenderness is an unbeatable combination"(M. Angelou).

  Let's be real, like we used to be, as kids.
  Let's hold each others hands and build a better world. 
  Let's heal the world!


  1. Jerene,I read some of your posts. They are good...and it's good to know you.

  2. Hey Akil! Great to hear from you! And thank you for stopping by. Hope you are well.


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